
Today's excersise(homework)


The below program is based on the things that I learned in the PDF document page 1 to 15.

Discovery : "Array", which can store values, is very useful.

This program light the led that connected to the digital pin #13 for 0.01 second 5 times and send a message back to the computer.


Arduino + LED (If you use digital pin 13 and have a proper LED)


Arduino + LED + resister and wires(same as picture below)


This is a program that to show thigs that I learned from
http://www.lulu.com/items/volume_63/1108000/1108699/4/print/ARDUINO_NOTEBOOKv6.pdf Page 1 to 15
I am going to include commend as much as possible.
This is a block comment. I can write any thing in this section.
// This is also comment. line comment

//list of variables
int variable;//integer that declares variables. most commonly used. 16bit 32,767 to -32,768.
int abc, def, ghi; // variables can take this form
int pin=13; // and also it can take this form
int y = 1;
byte b; //8 bit 0-255
long l; //32 bit 2,147,483,647 to -2,147,483,648
float f; //32 bit 3.4028235E+38 to -3.4028235E+38
double dob; // other form of varable for floating decimal
char ch; // also other form of variable. char has a different function from int
int delayValA[ ]={10, 3000, 5000}; //arrays that can stor the values

void setup()
{ //defines the starting point of function
Serial.begin(9600); // setup connection speed 9600 is good for my arduino
// very important. if you do not get respond from Arduino it must be because of this command

//void setup is the first function of the program
pinMode(pin, OUTPUT); // sets the 0pin as out put

}//defines the ending point of function
void loop()
for (int i=1; i<=5;) // this variable works only in the for loop


i++; // increment. there is many increment and decrement such as -- ++ *=


digitalWrite(pin,HIGH);//send high signal(1)to the pin

delay(delayValA[1]); // delay the commend
digitalWrite(pin,LOW);//send low signal(0)to the pin
delay(delayValA[2] + 1000); //arithmetic works like this
digitalWrite(pin,HIGH);//send high signal(1)to the pin
delay(delayValA[1]); // delay the commend
digitalWrite(pin,LOW);//send low signal(0)to the pin
delay(delayValA[2] + 1000); //arithmetic works like this
Serial. println("out of for loop "); //println is use for send a message from Arduino
delay(delayValA[3] + 2000);

Actually, the PDF does not explain "for" commend and it is not easily understandable.

This link is useful to learn about For commend.


for ( variable initialize; test; additional information)

for ( int i =0; i<10;>

Hardware setup

Experiment movie

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